
Spray Booth Coatings

Tools & More

Abrasives - Coated, Bonded & Non-Woven

Polymer Adhesives & Glues

Spray Booths

Spray Application & Paint Kitchen Equipment

Paint Strippers

Solvents & Custom Solvent Blends

Industrial Coatings

Industrial Wood Coatings

From toner and dye stains to topcoats, *solvent or water base, EMCO can offer you a step-by-step finish that meets your production requirements for consistent color, regulatory compliance and performance. Products include: Water Base Sealer and lacquer, Conventional Nitrocellulose Sealers and Lacquers, Precatalyzed Sealers and Lacquers, Post Catalyzed Conversion Varnish, Two Component Polyurethane, Three Component Polyesters, Water and Solvent Base Stains, Spray Stains, Glazes.